

Netiquette is the opposite of Etiquette.  Etiquette is the ethical behaviour regarding professional practice or action among the members of a profession in the dealings with each other.

When posting online you can’t see a person’s expression from what they have written, and you can get confused with what they mean when they say something that could be a joke or be dead serious.  There have been many occasions where people say something that is meant to be a joke but the person took the joke seriously because they could not see the expressions of the person posting.


Netiquette Rules

Netiquette rules were made to help the things said online, by the writers to get through to the people they are talking to, the way they mean the post to.  An example of a netiquette rule is that Caps letters symbolize shouting or yelling.  So if someone was to write ‘THAT WAS AWESOME !!’ It means they meant to say it loudly and with enthusiasm.



I think that Netiquette Rules are important to understand the expressions and the meaning of what people post online. If we did not have Netiquette Rules, people who read writers post could take in what they say differently to what they meant.





Game On ‘Response’


People post thing online hoping it will be taken as a joke, but it usually isn’t taken that way. Game On tells us that you shouldn’t post things unless your certain it will be taken as a joke and not seriously. Game On also tells us not to give out your password to anyone even if they are your friend, this relates to cyber safety.



You should never give your password to anyone, even if they are your friend or cousin you should never tell your password. If you give anyone your password you have given then access to your computer, blog, Social media account and many other things. Once you give your password out to people, they could spread it or use it to log on to your accounts and post bad things or mean things, and everyone will think it was you.


Game On

Game On shows that a girl called Grace gave her friends her password which gave them access to her computer and her blog accounts. One of her friends posted something on her blog meaning for it to be a funny joke, but everyone else took it seriously and Grace was accused for posting those things when it wasn’t her, all because she gave out her password.



I think that it is very important to keep your password to yourself and not give it to anybody because it will end badly. Like in Game On once you give out your password it is out there. People can access everything and all your accounts. That is why it is important to never give anybody your password ever!

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Internet



There are many advantages and disadvantages of using the internet.

Using the internet for information resources and communication are 2 of the advantages that come with using the internet. Some disadvantages of using the internet, are plagiarism and that you can’t trust everything that the internet says.



Communication is one advantages of using the internet. You can communicate over social media which is part of the internet. Communication is great because you can talk to people all over the world with just one click. There are many ways to communicate over the internet such as skype, Instagram and face book just to name a few.



Wikipedia is an example of a disadvantage of using the internet . Wikipedia is one of the examples where you cannot trust the internet with everything it says. Wikipedia can be accessed by everyone. Almost anyone can put anything on there, so there is a fifty to seventy-five percent chance that will not be true.



I use the internet for many, many things . The internet is a great place for information and other great things that the internet can offer. But there are many disadvantages that come with using the internet for one example plagiarism and many other things.